Doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku (praca z dokumentacją pracowników z krajów rozwijających się);
Płynność językowa w zakresie języka rosyjskiego i polskiego;
Wysokie kompetencje komunikacyjne;
Umiejętność pracy pod presją czasu i przywiązywanie wagi do szczegółów;
Umiejętność priorytetyzowania zadań oraz efektywnego zarządzania czasem;
Orientacja na rezultat i silna motywacja.
Zatrudnienie cudzoziemców zgodnie z Prawem Polskim;
Uzyskanie zezwoleń na pracę, oświadczeń o powierzeniu pracy oraz jednolitych pozwoleń na pobyt i pracę dla cudzoziemca;
Uzyskanie Świadectw kierowcy;
Stały kontakt z Urzędem Pracy, Urzędem Wojewódzkim i Głównym Inspektoratem Transportu Drogowego;
Przygotowywanie i aneksowanie umów zatrudnienia;
Dbałość o efektywność procesów HR-owych;
Współpraca z partnerami zewnętrznymi;
Stały kontakt ze współpracownikami na Litwie.
Zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o pracę;
Ciekawą i aktywną pracę w dużej i perspektywicznej firmie;
Możliwość realizacji swoich umiejętności oraz pomysłów;
Stałą pomoc bezpośredniego przełożonego i doświadczonych kolegów;
Doskonałe możliwości rozwoju zawodowego oraz kariery.
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Organisation and control of cargo transportation according to the designated directions;
Communication with existing customers and partners;
Search for new customers and carriers, establishment of contacts, negotiations;
Administration of transport documents;
Customer consulting and prompt problem solving.
Higher or post-secondary education;
Experience of similar work in the field of transport/logistics;
Good knowledge of english;
Excellent communication, computer literacy skills;
Strong result orientation, organisation skills, desire to work intensively and improve in the professional field;
Ability to work in a team, sense of responsibility.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Attractive workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Organisation of cargo transportation according to the designated directions;
Company transport control;
Communication with drivers and customers;
Work with the database, order administration;
Other works assigned by the manager.
Higher/post-secondary education;
Experience of similar work;
Knowledge of russian and english;
Good communication skills, ability to solve problems, conflict situations;
Quick orientation, receptivity, diligence..
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace in a team of professionals in their field;
Professional development and career opportunities.
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Active search for new customers, analysis of customer needs;
Maintenance and development of relationships with existing and potential business customers;
Development of a personal sales strategy;
Supervision and performance of customer orders.
Higher/post-secondary education;
2 years of successful sales experience in Europe;
Responsible attitude to work;
Goal orientation;
Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
Fluency in English; German, French – an advantage.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Organization of cargo transportation according to the designated directions;
Company transport control;
Communication with drivers and customers;
Work with a database, order administration;
Other tasks assigned by the manager.
COMPULSORY – proficiency in Turkish;
Good knowledge of Russian language (English would be an advantage);
Good communication skills, ability to solve problems, conflict situations;
Quick orientation, receptivity, thoroughness.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
A modern workplace in a team of professionals in their field;
Professional development and career opportunities.
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Planning and organisation of temperature transport work;
Cargo search;
Control over the performance of order conditions;
Work with the database, order administration.
Experience in self-planning transport work;
Very good knowledge of English and Russian is required, knowledge of other languages is an advantage;
Good computer skills;
Quick orientation, ability to operate in a changing environment;
Experience in managing conflict situations.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Immediate assistance from a direct supervisor and experienced colleagues;
Opportunity to realize your abilities and ideas
New challenges and internal career opportunities
Package of motivational measures.
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Travel sheet and fuel accounting;
Calculation of daily allowance for truck drivers, preparation of orders;
Administration of on-board units and fuel cards;
Active communication with the company’s drivers-forwarders and partners;
Other work assigned by the head of department.
Higher/post-secondary education
At least 1 year of work experience in the field of transport/logistics;
Knowledge of Russian and English is REQUIRED;
Very good skills in working with MS Office programs;
Receptivity, analytical thinking, quick orientation;
Responsibility, ability to work in a team, desire to improve.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Attractive workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
A colleague – teacher who will help to learn all the work-related information;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities;
Package of motivational measures.
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40% – independent contribution to work, willingness to learn and improve;
30% – observation and listening;
20% – diligent work;
10% – fun time with colleagues.
You are motivated;
Responsibly approach the work and assigned tasks;
Have Russian and English skills;
Have the opportunity to be employed after an internship.
Opportunity to do an internship in your chosen field (Transport-Logistics, Forwarding, Administration, Marketing, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Insurance, Damages, Credits, Debts, Personnel, Sales, Technical Department);
Opportunity to do an internship in Kaunas, Vilnius, Klaipėda;
Opportunity to do part-time internship;
Employment opportunities (on average, 20 students are employed per year);
Suitable medium for developing foreign language skills;
Constant help and support.
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Active search for new carriers, analysis of customer needs;
Maintenance and development of relationships with existing and potential business customers;
Development of a personal sales strategy;
Supervision and performance of customer orders.
Higher/post-secondary education;
Responsible attitude to work;
Goal orientation;
Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
High proficiency level of polish, knowledge of russian and english is an advantage.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Search for special cargo and vehicles;
Market analysis, continuous monitoring, forecasting;
Negotiations and maintenance of long-term relationships with customers (freight forwarding services);
Performance of assigned tasks;
Timely and high-quality organisation of cargo delivery;
Implementation of the set goals;
Possible place of work – in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda or Kėdainiai offices.
MANDATORY work experience with oversized cargo;
Higher education;
Smooth communication in Lithuanian and English, knowledge of other languages is an advantage;
Computer skills;
Responsibility, diligence, ambition, discipline, determination, organisation;
Orientation to the result and pursuit of the goals;
Ability to deal with stressful situations;
Driver’s licence – category B.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Competitive salary, which is a matter of negotiations, competence and goals;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Active search for new customers in English or Russian;
Business trips, customer visits;
Work with existing customers in the Baltic markets;
High-quality and timely customer administration, communication;
Attracting of lost customers;
Customer consulting and prompt problem solving;
Teamwork with expedition management.
Necessary work experience in the field of transport/logistics/freight forwarding, as well as experience in the field of sales and business customer service;
Excellent knowledge of English and Russian is required;
Higher/post-secondary education;
Excellent communication, computer literacy skills;
Strong orientation to the result, organisation, diligence, sense of responsibility, desire to work intensively and develop in the professional field;
Resistance to stressful situations;
Possibility to go on business trips;
Ability to work in a team.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Attractive workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Communication with drivers concerning heavy vehicle failure;
Assessment of the technical condition of trucks, trailers and semi-trailers and organisation of repair works remotely in foreign services;
Problem solving.
Technical or electrotechnical education;
Proficiency in Russian and English;
Motivation to take an interest in and delve into technical innovation;
Knowledge of the structure of heavy transport
Category B.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
All the necessary work equipment and attractive working conditions;
Friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Work in Europe;
Polish and Lithuanian Fleets;
Main company based in Lithuania;
Tents, refs, containers, tank trucks;
Working with the brand new heavy trucks
Working by cadences.
We appreciate if you have experience in Europe, however, we can provide You a training to improve Your skills if needed.
Upon arrival at the base each driver has to pass test drive.
Knowledge of English or Russian language.
Shifts with the new comfortable minibuses;
New trucks and trailers;
Training for code 95, payment for code 95 will be deducted from Your first salary;
Extra bonuses will be provided;
Caring management and colleagues.
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Revenue from invoices of pallets under claim
pallet balance adjustment;
Verification, collection, administration of necessary documents;
Cooperation with colleagues and partners in order to solve problems;
Other work assigned by the head of department.
Higher/post-secondary education;
Russian, English (German – an advantage);
Good skills in working with MS Office programs;
Receptivity, analytical thinking, quick reaction, responsibility, ability to work in a team, desire to improve.
A colleague – teacher who will help to learn all the work-related information;
Good working conditions, friendly team;
Career opportunities;
Motivational package;
Internal company training.
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Inspection and evaluation of vehicle acceptance-transfer deeds according to the submitted photographs;
Data entry into the Transport Management Program;
Collection of information on accidents involving company transport;
Ordering insurance damage repair estimates, coordination with services;
Direct communication with drivers-forwarders, solution of problematic situations.
Knowledge of the technical characteristics of heavy goods vehicles or experience of similar work of at least 1 year;
Good knowledge of Russian is NECESSARY, other languages are an advantage;
Good computer skills;
Diligence, logical thinking, ability to analyse and systematise information;
Experience and interest in transport – logistics activities.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Excellent working conditions and opportunities for professional development;
Youthful team and a friendly work environment;
Package of motivational measures.
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Planowanie i organizacja transportu w warunkach temperatury kontrolowanej;
Wyszukiwanie ładunków;
Monitoring wykonania zleceń;
Praca z bazami danych, zarządzanie zleceniami;
Szybkie rozwiązywanie zaistniałych problemów.
Doświadczenie w samodzielnym planowaniu pracy transportu;
Konieczna jest doskonała znajomość języka angielskiego i rosyjskiego, mile widziana znajomość innych języków;
Dobra znajomość obsługi komputera;
Szybka orientacja, umiejętność działania w zmiennych okolicznościach;
Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu sytuacjami konfliktowymi.
Ciekawą i pełną wyzwań pracę w dużej i dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie;
Wsparcie ze strony bezpośredniego przełożonego oraz doświadczonych kolegów;
Możliwość realizacji własnych możliwości i pomysłów;
Nowe wyzwania oraz możliwość kariery wewnątrz organizacji;
Pakiet motywacyjny.
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Management of drivers in an assigned transport group;
Assurance of effective communication;
Supervision of driver competence indicators, organisation of training plan;
Solution to emerging issues;
Cooperation with other departments of the company;
Responsibility for qualitative results, their analytics;
Submission of proposals to management.
Higher education (preferably in transport, management fields);
Managerial experience in tr;nsport field (advantage);
Russian language (oral and written);
Characteristics of a leader;
Orientation towards results and goals of the company;
Ability to adapt to changes, to initiate them.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Attractive motivational package;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Planung und Organisation von Arbeiten des temperaturgesteuerten Transports;
Kontrolle der Erfüllung der Bedingungen der Bestellungen;
Arbeit mit der Datenbank, Verwaltung der Bestellungen;
Sofortige Lösung von Problemen.
Erfahrung in der selbständigen Planung der Transportarbeit;
Sehr gute Englisch- und Russischkenntnisse sind erforderlich, Kenntnisse in anderen Sprachen sind von Vorteil;
Gute Computerkenntnisse;
Schnelle Orientierung, Fähigkeit, in einer sich verändernden Umgebung zu funktionieren;
Erfahrung im Umgang mit Konfliktsituationen.
Interessante und aktive Arbeit in einem großen und aussichtsreichen Unternehmen;
Unmittelbare Hilfe durch einen direkten Vorgesetzten und erfahrene Kollegen;
Die Möglichkeit, Ihre Fähigkeiten und Ideen zu verwirklichen;
Neue Herausforderungen und interne Karrieremöglichkeiten;
Ein Motivationspaket.
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We are a constantly-improving and steadily-developing one of the largest transport companies in Lithuania. Due to our size, we are able to offer possibilities of not only advancing your career, but also changing your position inside the company.
Baltic transline human resources are the starting point of the company’s success. This attitude has helped to create a dialogue-based management style and pave the way to employee equality. The company believes in the Scandinavian business culture model, which is based on equal rights and a democratic environment. The only resources that truly matter are human resources, so, in our company, mutual respect, close communication, an ability to understand one another and the value that our staff creates for the business, are especially appreciated.
Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in the opportunity to work for our company. We have received your details. We will contact the selected candidates.
in case of another time we will contact you as soon as possible.