for the
for the
Our transportation routes include entire Western and Central Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltics, CIS countries and local directions.
Following an assessment of the specific amounts to be transported as well as the flows of cargo and an analysis of the movement of goods and services, we will present you with the most optimal logistic solutions for small, medium and large businesses.
We sell and rent various semi-trailers. In addition, we can replace a trailer that is temporarily under repair or satisfy a seasonal increase in demand.
Oftentimes, the carriage of cargo from one country to the other exceeds transportation by road, as carriers frequently have to cross one or sometimes even several seas.
We offer an additional service to our clients – insuring the cargo being transported under the most favourable conditions. However, we offer insurance only for cargo, transported by Baltic transline.
For 24 years, we have been committed to delivering your cargo in a high-quality, swift and timely manner. We have gained the trust of our clients due to our responsibility, flexible management of our processes, keeping to our obligations as well as vehicles and systems that comply with the newest safety requirements. We are a part of BTL Group – a corporate group, carrying out successful activities in the areas of transportation, freight transport, ferry tickets as well as sale and rent of freight transport.
For 24 years, we have been committed to delivering your cargo in a high-quality, swift and timely manner. We have gained the trust of our clients due to our responsibility, flexible management of our processes, keeping to our obligations as well as vehicles and systems that comply with the newest safety requirements. We are a part of BTL Group – a corporate group, carrying out successful activities in the areas of transportation, freight transport, ferry tickets as well as sale and rent of freight transport.
Doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku (praca z dokumentacją pracowników z krajów rozwijających się);
Płynność językowa w zakresie języka rosyjskiego i polskiego;
Wysokie kompetencje komunikacyjne;
Umiejętność pracy pod presją czasu i przywiązywanie wagi do szczegółów;
Umiejętność priorytetyzowania zadań oraz efektywnego zarządzania czasem;
Orientacja na rezultat i silna motywacja.
Zatrudnienie cudzoziemców zgodnie z Prawem Polskim;
Uzyskanie zezwoleń na pracę, oświadczeń o powierzeniu pracy oraz jednolitych pozwoleń na pobyt i pracę dla cudzoziemca;
Uzyskanie Świadectw kierowcy;
Stały kontakt z Urzędem Pracy, Urzędem Wojewódzkim i Głównym Inspektoratem Transportu Drogowego;
Przygotowywanie i aneksowanie umów zatrudnienia;
Dbałość o efektywność procesów HR-owych;
Współpraca z partnerami zewnętrznymi;
Stały kontakt ze współpracownikami na Litwie.
Zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o pracę;
Ciekawą i aktywną pracę w dużej i perspektywicznej firmie;
Możliwość realizacji swoich umiejętności oraz pomysłów;
Stałą pomoc bezpośredniego przełożonego i doświadczonych kolegów;
Doskonałe możliwości rozwoju zawodowego oraz kariery.
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Organisation and control of cargo transportation according to the designated directions;
Communication with existing customers and partners;
Search for new customers and carriers, establishment of contacts, negotiations;
Administration of transport documents;
Customer consulting and prompt problem solving.
Higher or post-secondary education;
Experience of similar work in the field of transport/logistics;
Good knowledge of english;
Excellent communication, computer literacy skills;
Strong result orientation, organisation skills, desire to work intensively and improve in the professional field;
Ability to work in a team, sense of responsibility.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Attractive workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Organisation of cargo transportation according to the designated directions;
Company transport control;
Communication with drivers and customers;
Work with the database, order administration;
Other works assigned by the manager.
Higher/post-secondary education;
Experience of similar work;
Knowledge of russian and english;
Good communication skills, ability to solve problems, conflict situations;
Quick orientation, receptivity, diligence..
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace in a team of professionals in their field;
Professional development and career opportunities.
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Active search for new customers, analysis of customer needs;
Maintenance and development of relationships with existing and potential business customers;
Development of a personal sales strategy;
Supervision and performance of customer orders.
Higher/post-secondary education;
2 years of successful sales experience in Europe;
Responsible attitude to work;
Goal orientation;
Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
Fluency in English; German, French – an advantage.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
Modern workplace and a friendly atmosphere in a youthful team of professionals in their field;
Fixed salary and a motivating remuneration system based on performance;
Excellent professional development and career opportunities.
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Organization of cargo transportation according to the designated directions;
Company transport control;
Communication with drivers and customers;
Work with a database, order administration;
Other tasks assigned by the manager.
COMPULSORY – proficiency in Turkish;
Good knowledge of Russian language (English would be an advantage);
Good communication skills, ability to solve problems, conflict situations;
Quick orientation, receptivity, thoroughness.
Interesting and active work in a large and promising company;
A modern workplace in a team of professionals in their field;
Professional development and career opportunities.
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Max. size: 2MB
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